Finished drafting out initial storyboard outlines, seem to look OK at the moment, but there are some areas I can see will need to be addressed in the animatics.
Not happy with the opening sequence of 'Couch Potato' . . . but I think it will iron itself out when I come to do the actual drawings for the animatic. At the moment it is just a pan up at an angle, but what I have in mind is more of a pan around the living room and eventually ending with Frank slouched on the sofa. So, it will need to be thought out better . . . what I need to do is a geographical floorplan of the living room and sort out the camera move from there. I'll wait till I get to start the animatic and then I can concerntrate on that shot.
Also not happy with the geographical plan of the crash scene in 'Don't be Rude on the Road' either. Want to have Kenny getting up and facing the car windscreen so that he is facing the driver and passenger, but at the moment he would end up behind the car. Had a thought whilst out running this morning though . . . the car could spin round after it screeches to a halt, so that after Kenny tumbles over the bonnet of the car and lands in the ditch alongside the road, the car spins round to be facing the opposite way, thereby leaving Kenny to get up and facing the windscreen. Think that would work . . . and also it would be an interesting shot as the car boot could fill the camera view, ie: become larger as it passes the camera and diminishes again as it swings round on its front wheels.
Riptides seems to be working OK, just need to check sequence of shots during the animatic stage. Otherwise, don't think that there are any major problems . . . as yet!