Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Visual Research Project

I know we don't have to write about this subject but I thought I would just comment briefly as it took so much time to do and so much emotional energy.

Although it was a lot of hard work and it took all my courage to stand in front of people and deliver a presentation, I did actually enjoy most of the project. That is, the work side of it and putting the document together. I made work for myself in editing the video but in the end I learnt a lot.

It did take energy and time to do but I am proud of myself for getting through the presentation, it has always been a fear for me and still is, but I did survive! I didn't get everything said that I wanted to say, but it went better than I had hoped.

I really enjoyed the topic and I am now a confirmed Halas and Batchelor fan.

1 comment:

karolina said...

I really enjoyed your presentation, well done!
now I'm halas&batchelor fan as well:)