Wednesday, 19 November 2008

RENDERING - Oh. . joy of joys!

I always get to the point of wanting to export and render and a cold sweat brakes out, and fear grips me to the core.

Spent a day rendering trying to understand the process, kept getting the wrong size output. . .still don't understand it but I have at least cracked it. On the 18th of November 2008, a Tuesday, a most auspicious day, I successfully rendered my BBC Animatic as an avi file, with no compression (as it was made up of bitmaps) at the correct frame size 1024 x 576. . .hurrah!

Somethings which have been understood by most people for so long now, are at least not completely out of my understanding now. . .that is until next time!

Anyway. . . I felt accomplished.

Really annoying though. . .when you 'test movie' in Flash it doesn't pick up the odd mistake, like a frame being out of sync, nor does it show up in the preview window in Premiere. They only show up in the rendered piece. . .so you go through the whole rendering process and only then find all your mistakes and have to go back through correcting and re-rendering until its right, but at least I can now render under my own steam!

In fact I can now render away to my hearts content. . .happy hours spent rendering!!!!!

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