Wednesday, 29 April 2009

The '3 P's' for animation!

Planning, Preparation and Patience. . . copious quantities are required of each.

Planning out the Animatic as a thumbnail version first was probably the only way of ever getting this work done. . .this preparation and trying to iron out problems in story flow and continuity meant that I had a really good idea of the work load and a clear visual impression in my head (and on my wall at home with a print out of the thumbnails).

I am now trying to get through about 55 Flash scenes, which are only about 4 to 10 seconds long, and some are stills, but it all takes time. At the moment I am just over half way through, with the next 4 days going to be very long days.

I want to finish all the scenes by Sunday, which will leave Monday for editing and Tuesday/Wednesday for a sound track. With a couple of days left for finding mistakes and getting all the work put together.

It sounds OK at the moment. . .time will tell!

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