Monday, 12 April 2010

Country Lanes Scene

Finally finished the countryside lane scene . . . although it took ages to do it was quicker than doing the shop front scene! Most of the scenes are a combination of some hand pastel layers and Photoshop, but as I improve in both Photoshop and using a graphics pen more is being done directly on the computer. But, hand pastel work creates a good textured base for distance areas on landscapes and I do want to keep working with hand materials for diversity of skill and appearance, so I don't want the computer to take over completely.
Anyway, there is one more background on my list to do, the living room in Couch Potato which I know will take a long time to do. So, I think I will do that in stages, fitting it in when I have a few hours here and there as I need to start the 'abstract' for the innovation project.

Although I haven't managed to do all of the backgrounds I will have a good cross section of designs fro each scenario, which is originally what I had planned.

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