Thursday 24 April 2008

Storyboarding and Scriptwriting

I enjoyed these assignments, but don't know if I am any good at either of them.

Storyboarding the 'Mark and Kevin' story:
I liked the process of drawing up the scenes and it seemed relatively straight forward. After I had finished though I thought one of the scenes should have been done differently. Following the close up of Mark with a fist, I think should have been just a close up of his fist filling the screen, but I did a profile shot instead....oh well.

This was quite difficult to do at first as I tend to write in book form as a story, so trying to just write the essentials stumped me for a while. Ben suggested drawing the storyboard first which I did, and this made an amazing difference. In drawing out the story I got all of the discriptive stuff out of my head and wrote all the camera angles and cuts for the scenes, which I could then just use for telling the story in script form. I think it is 100 times better than my other attempts, but then I did start from a low point so anything from there was up! Don't know if it is any good as a script, a story or as a storyboard, I am just relieved at getting a result.