Tuesday 2 February 2010

Animatics for This Happy Breed

In the past I have concerntrated on trying out different techniques on animatics, such as Flash sequences, hand drawn illustrations etc . . . but the Flash sequences take a long time to do, Talking Dog 'Knights' had about 55 sequences and I didn't really like the end result because the sequences seemed to be dis-jointed some how.
So this time, apart from trying out a different technique than using Flash so much, I am going to concerntrate on the emotions of the characters and the drama of the scenario. The technique will just be hand drawn illustrations, with shaded areas for contrast done in Photoshop in black & white. The backgrounds will be fixed and the foreground characters will be layered on top so I can just change facial expressions and postures etc. Hopefully this will cut down on alot of the work that has held me up in the past, giving more time for getting the story told. So I guess it will be more traditional in terms of animatics.

Still not looking forward to doing sound, even if it is only scratch tracks!

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