Wednesday 24 October 2007


The viewing of Fantasia was a long experience, very colourful and explosive, but quite long.

The sound effects section was more to my taste as it was abstract and more about patterns and textures. It is an incredible piece of work but not one I could view more than once.

Some of the scenes were very watchable but some are just too young. The themes seem to be quite mature in parts considering it is a cartoon and yet then there are some scenes purely aimed at children.

Disney on the whole for me is too cute.

1 comment:

Andy Wyatt said...

I agree that Fantasia does have serious flaws as a finished film but in terms of pure animation technical ability it is well worth studying. We will look at some of the sequences frame by frame and see how the animators dealt with some of the issues you talk about in your weight animation. Some great thoughts in this blog, so keep it up!