Monday 29 October 2007

Animation Issues in the Early Years

Some interesting issues raised about women working in the animation and film studios in America during the 30's 40's and 50's. Gender and race were a problem in society in general at the time so I suppose it is easy to see why these issues were a problem in the film subjects as well as the working enviroments. I am not surprised that women were only allowed the lesser rolls in working in the studios, persumably not many people of ethnic minority were employed either.
Ethnic people in America have never been supported in society and there is still a far greater divide than most places in the world. Considering that there is such a variety of races represented in America it is a great shame that it remains a huge issue today.
Back in the 40's nad 50's there were alot of social problems and issues that were brushed aside and not discussed openly. Being gay at that time was not discussed , violence against black people in the deep south was at fever pitch level and rising, and women were about to enter their most challenging time for equality in th 50's since the 1920's.
Creatively an amazing period but socially a challenge!

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